…we believe


Maranatha is an evangelical church, within the Pentecostal movement affiliated to the Fellowship of Christian Assemblies, Canada (FCA). We believe that we are called by God to share the gospel and the love and care of our Lord Jesus Christ to all communities in Edmonton, Canada.

We believe that our call is to work in the spirit of love and unity with all true believers in our common ministry within the Kingdom of God.

As the bible says, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7


We believe the Holy Bible is the word of God, the final authority for faith and life, and only the Bible, is the authoritative Word of God. It alone is the final authority in determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, it is inspired, infallible and inerrant.


We believe God eternally exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. We believe Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for our sin and rose from the dead, and is coming back again. On earth, Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. He is the only man ever to have lived a sinless life.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person who is the divine helper, assistant, counselor and instructor and His work is to reveal Christ, convict of sin, lead to repentance, guide believers, comfort, strengthen, and sanctify the soul. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in different languages.


We believe that salvation is a gift through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ. Everyone who truly is saved is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ and will spend eternity in heaven and those who die in their sins will spend eternity in hell.


We believe that God hear and answer prayer, and He is able to heal the sick. It is given as a gift and sign for belivers, which is to follow. It is also a part of Jesus’ work on the Cross and one of the gifts of the Spirit.


We believe that the church, consists of true followers of Jesus Christ. Church is the Body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Spirit, with divine appointments for the fulfillment of Jesus’ great commission. Every person who is born of the Spirit is an integral part of the church as a member of the body of believers.


We believe Jesus Christ was physically resurrected from the dead in a glorified body from His death on the cross.


Heaven is the eternal dwelling place for all believers of Jesus Christ, who accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour and live a holy life while on earth.


After the life on earth, the unbelievers will be judged by God and sent to hell where they will be eternally tormented with the devil and the fallen angels.


We believe Jesus Christ will physically and visibly return to earth for the second time to establish His Kingdom. Only God knows the date and the time of His return.

For a more detailed explanation of what we believe,
please feel free to email us. We would be happy to help you.


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